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CXI-Basis-Programmierreferenz / Noch zu dokumentieren /

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Exception-Management (Beispielausgabe)

[Baustelle] Exception-Management (Beispielausgabe)

(siehe auch: Header)


// Testprogramm fuer CXI3DBG (Exception-Management) 
#include "cxi3dbg.h" 
int deref (int *p)
  return *p;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  CxixRegisterName ("XTEST", "Hauptprogramm");
  // Exception-Mgr aktivieren 
  CXI3DBG.AddExitMessage ("XTEST Version 1.01");
  // Meldung wird im Fehlerfall mit ausgegeben 
  int *p = 0;
  int i = deref (p);
  // fuehrt zu NULL-Pointer-Zugriff 
  return i;

Fenster (optional):


Datei C:\$EXCEPT.DMP (Windows 95):

[begin] CXI3DBGN 3.00 04 - Exception Report 
Exception C0000005 at 0041007A
>>> Invalid pointer read access <<< 
Process started on Saturday  2000-04-15 19:41:42.000
Exception occurred Saturday  2000-04-15 19:41:42.050
Thread "XTEST Hauptprogramm"
Registered in file XTEST.CPP, line #13. 
+++ Exception context +++
Operating system Win32, version 4.00, build C000;
Process FFF07F85, thread FFF0B8B9;
Exception flags 00000000, link pointer 00000000;
Exception filter active 00000001, previous 00000000;
Local thread index 00000000, registered thread;
Stack top 0074FD9C, size 00000000, function 00410107, argument 00000000 
+++ Parameters +++
P1=00000000   (#0, #0:#0)
P2=FFFFFFFF   (#-1, #65535:#65535) 
+++ Registers +++
EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=00000012 EDX=004F3512 ESI=0042002C EDI=00000000
EIP=0041007A EFL=00010246 ESP=0074FDCC EBP=0074FDCC XSP=0074F848 XBP=0074F904
CS=0137  CSACC=CFFB  CSLIM=FFFFFFFF  CSDPL=3  xr-a  Code (32-Bit)
SS=013F  SSACC=40F7  SSLIM=0000FFFF  SSDPL=3  -rwa  Expand-down Data
DS=013F  DSACC=40F7  DSLIM=0000FFFF  DSDPL=3  -rwa  Expand-down Data
ES=013F  ESACC=40F7  ESLIM=0000FFFF  ESDPL=3  -rwa  Expand-down Data
FS=33AF  FSACC=00F3  FSLIM=00000033  FSDPL=3  -rwa  Data
GS=0000  GSACC=0000  GSLIM=00000000  GSDPL=0i ----  Invalid 
+++ Modules +++
00400000 -0041 E  2000-04-15 19:41 F:\TC\CXI3\300\TEST\XCPT\XTESTN.EXE
00470000 -0049 R  1995-08-29 04:52 F:\TC\CXI3\300\TEST\XCPT\CW3215MT.DLL
004F0000 -004F R  2000-03-14 20:55 F:\TC\CXI3\300\TEST\XCPT\CXI3DBGN.DLL
BFEC0000 -BFEC R  1996-09-05 11:11 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ADVAPI32.DLL
BFF30000 -BFF4 R  1996-09-05 11:11 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GDI32.DLL
BFF60000 -BFF6 R  1996-09-05 11:11 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\USER32.DLL
BFF70000 -BFFB R  1996-09-05 11:11 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL 
+++ Call stack +++
  Frame    Next    Return    Module---Obj:Offset  Hints+Comments
<Except> 0074FDCC 0041007A   XTESTN   1:0000007A  XTESTN.?
0074FDCC 0074FE04 004100C7   XTESTN   1:000000C7  XTESTN.?
0074FE04 0074FE30 00499EB2   CW3215MT 1:00019EB2  CW3215MT.?
0074FE30 0074FF78 00000000   (invalid) :????????
0074FF78 0074FFF4 BFF88D41   KERNEL32 1:00017D41
0074FFF4 8158652C 004200C8   XTESTN   ?:000000C8 
+++ Disassembly (Frame #0 at 0041007A) +++
:0041005B 6A00             push 00000000
:0041005D E8E4030000       call near ptr 00410446 ->BFF775BD (KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA)
:00410062 A36A004200       mov [0042006A],eax
:00410067 6A00             push 00000000
:00410069 E9CC030000       jmp near ptr 0041043A
:0041006E E9F5020000       jmp near ptr 00410368
:00410073 00
--- XTESTN.#1+0006 ---
:00410074 55               push ebp
:00410075 8BEC             mov ebp,esp
:00410077 8B4508           mov eax,[ebp+08]
--- exception ---
:0041007A 8B00             mov eax,[eax]
:0041007C 5D               pop ebp
:0041007D C3               ret
--- XTESTN.#1+0010 ---
:0041007E 55               push ebp
:0041007F 8BEC             mov ebp,esp
:00410081 83C4D8           add esp,FFFFFFD8
:00410084 53               push ebx
:00410085 B880004200       mov eax,00420080
:0041008A E809010000       call near ptr 00410198
:0041008F 66C745E80800     mov word ptr [ebp-18],0008
:00410095 6A0D             push 0000000D
:00410097 68A8004200       push 004200A8
:0041009C 689A004200       push 0042009A
:004100A1 6894004200       push 00420094
:004100A6 8D45F8           lea eax,[ebp-08]
:004100A9 50               push eax
:004100AA E83C000000       call near ptr 004100EB 
+++ Disassembly (Frame #1 at 004100C7) +++
--- XTESTN.#1+003B ---
:004100A9 50               push eax
:004100AA E83C000000       call near ptr 004100EB
:004100AF 83C414           add esp,00000014
:004100B2 68B2004200       push 004200B2
:004100B7 E890030000       call near ptr 0041044C ->004F10B2 (CXI3DBGN.#17)
:004100BC FF5068           call near dword ptr [eax+68]
:004100BF 33C0             xor eax,eax
:004100C1 50               push eax
:004100C2 E8ADFFFFFF       call near ptr 00410074
--- return address ---
:004100C7 59               pop ecx
:004100C8 8BD8             mov ebx,eax
:004100CA 8BC3             mov eax,ebx
:004100CC 50               push eax
:004100CD 6A02             push 00000002
:004100CF 8D45F8           lea eax,[ebp-08]
:004100D2 50               push eax
:004100D3 E83D000000       call near ptr 00410115
:004100D8 83C408           add esp,00000008
:004100DB 58               pop eax
:004100DC 8B55D8           mov edx,[ebp-28]
:004100DF 64891500000000   mov fs:[00000000],edx
:004100E6 5B               pop ebx
:004100E7 8BE5             mov esp,ebp
:004100E9 5D               pop ebp
:004100EA C3               ret 
+++ Disassembly (Frame #2 at 00499EB2) +++
--- CW3215MT.__startup+0134 ---
:00499E94 50               push eax
:00499E95 E8DEE8FFFF       call near ptr 00498778 (CW3215MT._exit)
:00499E9A 59               pop ecx
:00499E9B EB1F             jmp short 00499EBC
--- CW3215MT.__startup+013D ---
:00499E9D A1404B4A00       mov eax,[004A4B40]
:00499EA2 50               push eax
:00499EA3 A13C4B4A00       mov eax,[004A4B3C]
:00499EA8 50               push eax
:00499EA9 A1384B4A00       mov eax,[004A4B38]
:00499EAE 50               push eax
:00499EAF FF5618           call near dword ptr [esi+18]
--- return address ---
:00499EB2 83C40C           add esp,0000000C
:00499EB5 50               push eax
:00499EB6 E8BDE8FFFF       call near ptr 00498778 (CW3215MT._exit)
:00499EBB 59               pop ecx
:00499EBC 5F               pop edi
:00499EBD 5E               pop esi
:00499EBE 5B               pop ebx
:00499EBF 8BE5             mov esp,ebp
:00499EC1 5D               pop ebp
:00499EC2 C390             ret
--- CW3215MT.__startup+0164 ---
:00499EC4 53               push ebx
:00499EC5 56               push esi
:00499EC6 57               push edi
:00499EC7 EB02             jmp short 00499ECB
--- CW3215MT.__startup+0169 ---
:00499EC9 FFD3             call near ebx
:00499ECB 6A01             push 00000001
:00499ECD 68444B4A00       push 004A4B44
:00499ED2 E8DDFDFFFF       call near ptr 00499CB4
:00499ED7 83C408           add esp,00000008
:00499EDA 8BD8             mov ebx,eax
:00499EDC 85DB             test ebx,ebx
:00499EDE 75E9             jnz short 00499EC9
:00499EE0 EB02             jmp short 00499EE4 
+++ Registered threads +++
 Handle  Nest StackTop Function Argument File(Line) "Name"
FFF0B8B9 0001 0074FD9C 00410107 00000000 XTEST.CPP(#13) "XTEST Hauptprogramm" 
+++ System information +++
Operating system version C0000004, OEM 00000000, reserved 00008888;
Page size 00001000, allocation granularity 00010000;
Application address minimum 00400000, maximum 7FFFFFFF;
Processor type 0000024A, number of processors 00000001 
+++ Processor +++
Processor ID flag 00200206, current machine status 001B;
CPUID highest 0001, signature 0544, features 008001BF;
Processor type #0, family #5, model #4, stepping #4;
Vendor "GenuineIntel" 
+++ Environment +++
Exception manager CXI3DBGN, version 3.00 04, build 1509;
Exception manager options 00000000, window 00000000, system 00000000;
Shared memory at 82C3E000, state 000000EA, required version 61330002;
Shared memory structure version 61330002, owner version 61330004;
Shared memory owner "F:\TC\CXI3\300\TEST\XCPT\CXI3DBGN.DLL";
Local memory at 0050B300, size 00004D00, used 00004CE4;
Environment variable "(null)" = "(null)";
Environment state FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
+++ Program exit messages +++
XTEST Version 1.01 
+++ Abnormal program termination requested by exception handler +++ 
[end] CXI3DBGN 3.00 04 - Exception Report

Datei C:\$EXCEPT.DMP (OS/2):

[begin] CXI3DBGO 3.00 04 - Exception Report 
Exception C0000005 at 0001008E
>>> Null pointer read access <<< 
Process started on Saturday  2000-04-15 20:16:53.900
Exception occurred Saturday  2000-04-15 20:16:54.370
Thread "XTEST Hauptprogramm"
Registered in file XTEST.CPP, line #13. 
+++ Exception context +++
Operating system OS/2, version 2.11, revision 30000;
Process 0021, parent 0005, status 0010, type 0003, module 03F1;
Thread 0001, priority 0200, ordinal 0034, stack 00030000 0003BFF0;
Output type 0003, stderr stream NO, presentation manager YES;
Exception flags 00000000, link pointer 00000000;
Local thread index 00000000, registered thread;
Stack top 0003BF54, size 00000000, function 000100C2, argument 00000000 
+++ Parameters +++
P1=00000001   (#1, #0:#1)
P2=00000000   (#0, #0:#0) 
+++ Registers +++
EAX=00000000 EBX=00020068 ECX=00000012 EDX=146035ED ESI=0002007C EDI=146E0000
EIP=0001008E EFL=00012246 ESP=0003BF64 EBP=0003BF64 XSP=14638F48 XBP=14638FE0
CS=005B  CSACC=D1DF  CSLIM=1BFFFFFF  CSDPL=2c xr-a  Code (32-Bit)
SS=0053  SSACC=D1F3  SSLIM=1BFFFFFF  SSDPL=3  -rwa  Data
DS=0053  DSACC=D1F3  DSLIM=1BFFFFFF  DSDPL=3  -rwa  Data
ES=0053  ESACC=D1F3  ESLIM=1BFFFFFF  ESDPL=3  -rwa  Data
FS=150B  FSACC=00F3  FSLIM=00000030  FSDPL=3  -rwa  Data
GS=0000  GSACC=0000  GSLIM=00000000  GSDPL=0i ----  Invalid 
+++ Modules +++
00A1 (+4010)  M1A02-1A07 R  1996-10-24 21:24 C:\OS2\DLL\DOSCALL1.DLL
00AE (=4010)  M1698-1698 R  1996-09-17 09:23 C:\OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL
00B3 (=4010)  M1A0C-1A0C R  1995-11-17 12:52 C:\OS2\DLL\BVSCALLS.DLL
0146 (=4010)  M17B8-17BB R  1996-10-24 19:20 C:\OS2\DLL\PMSPL.DLL
01CC (=4010)  M1AA5-1AA5 R  1994-03-02 11:48 C:\OS2\DLL\BVHWNDW.DLL
01FB (=4010)  M168D-168E R  1995-11-16 11:53 C:\OS2\DLL\PMATM.DLL
020D (=4010)  M157A-157F R  1996-09-03 15:02 C:\OS2\DLL\M6432.DLL
03F1 (=4003)  M0001      E  2000-04-15 20:07 F:\TC\CXI3\300\TEST\XCPT\XTESTO.EXE
03F5 (+4012)  M1460-1460 R  2000-03-14 21:02 F:\TC\CXI3\300\TEST\XCPT\CXI3DBGO.DLL
03FB (+4012)  M145B-145F R  1994-11-10 02:00 C:\P2\DLL\C215MT.DLL 
+++ Call stack +++
  Frame    Next    Return    Module---Obj:Offset  Hints+Comments
<Except> 0003BF64 0001008E   XTESTO   1:0000008E  XTESTO.?[1:0088]
0003BF64 0003BF90 000100E5   XTESTO   1:000000E5  XTESTO.?[1:00E5]
0003BF90 0003BFC4 145B63EF   C215MT   1:000063EF  C215MT.?[1:63EF]
0003BFC4 00000000 1A0302AF   DOSCALL1 ?:000002AF  
+++ Disassembly (Frame #0 at 0001008E) +++
:0001006E 891564010200     mov [00020164],edx
:00010074 6A00             push 00000000
:00010076 E857030000       call near ptr 000103D2
:0001007B 59               pop ecx
:0001007C E82F010000       call near ptr 000101B0
:00010081 E955625A14       jmp near ptr 145B62DB
:00010086 00...
:00010088 55               push ebp
:00010089 8BEC             mov ebp,esp
:0001008B 8B4508           mov eax,[ebp+08]
--- exception ---
:0001008E 8B00             mov eax,[eax]
:00010090 5D               pop ebp
:00010091 C20400           ret 0004
:00010094 C8180000         enter 0018,00
:00010098 53               push ebx
:00010099 56               push esi
:0001009A E843005F14       call near ptr 146000E2 (CXI3DBGO.#17)
:0001009F 8B4050           mov eax,[eax+50]
:000100A2 8D55F8           lea edx,[ebp-08]
:000100A5 BB68000200       mov ebx,00020068
:000100AA B96E000200       mov ecx,0002006E
:000100AF BE7C000200       mov esi,0002007C
:000100B4 6A0D             push 0000000D
:000100B6 56               push esi
:000100B7 51               push ecx
:000100B8 53               push ebx
:000100B9 52               push edx
:000100BA 8945F4           mov [ebp-0C],eax
:000100BD 8B45F4           mov eax,[ebp-0C] 
+++ Disassembly (Frame #1 at 000100E5) +++
:000100C5 E818005F14       call near ptr 146000E2 (CXI3DBGO.#17)
:000100CA 8B4068           mov eax,[eax+68]
:000100CD 6886000200       push 00020086
:000100D2 8945F0           mov [ebp-10],eax
:000100D5 8B45F0           mov eax,[ebp-10]
:000100D8 FFD0             call near eax
:000100DA 83C404           add esp,00000004
:000100DD 31C0             xor eax,eax
:000100DF 50               push eax
:000100E0 E8A3FFFFFF       call near ptr 00010088
--- return address ---
:000100E5 8945EC           mov [ebp-14],eax
:000100E8 E8F5FF5E14       call near ptr 146000E2 (CXI3DBGO.#17)
:000100ED 8B4054           mov eax,[eax+54]
:000100F0 8D55F8           lea edx,[ebp-08]
:000100F3 52               push edx
:000100F4 8945E8           mov [ebp-18],eax
:000100F7 8B45E8           mov eax,[ebp-18]
:000100FA FFD0             call near eax
:000100FC 83C404           add esp,00000004
:000100FF 8B45EC           mov eax,[ebp-14]
:00010102 5E               pop esi
:00010103 5B               pop ebx
:00010104 C9               leave
:00010105 C20800           ret 0008 
+++ Disassembly (Frame #2 at 145B63EF) +++
--- C215MT.__startup+00F5 ---
:145B63D0 75E7             jnz short 145B63B9
:145B63D2 8B4618           mov eax,[esi+18]
:145B63D5 FF355C455F14     push dword ptr [145F455C]
:145B63DB FF3558455F14     push dword ptr [145F4558]
:145B63E1 FF3554455F14     push dword ptr [145F4554]
:145B63E7 8945E8           mov [ebp-18],eax
:145B63EA 8B45E8           mov eax,[ebp-18]
:145B63ED FFD0             call near eax
--- return address ---
:145B63EF 50               push eax
:145B63F0 E8BCACFFFF       call near ptr 145B10B1 (C215MT._exit)
:145B63F5 5E               pop esi
:145B63F6 5F               pop edi
:145B63F7 C9               leave
:145B63F8 C3               ret
--- C215MT.__startup+011E ---
:145B63F9 55               push ebp
:145B63FA 8BEC             mov ebp,esp
:145B63FC 83EC08           sub esp,00000008
:145B63FF 57               push edi
:145B6400 56               push esi
:145B6401 EB02             jmp short 145B6405
--- C215MT.__startup+0128 ---
:145B6403 FFD7             call near edi
:145B6405 B860455F14       mov eax,145F4560
:145B640A 6A01             push 00000001
:145B640C 50               push eax
:145B640D E8E5FDFFFF       call near ptr 145B61F7
:145B6412 8BF8             mov edi,eax
:145B6414 85FF             test edi,edi
:145B6416 75EB             jnz short 145B6403
:145B6418 EB02             jmp short 145B641C 
+++ Registered threads +++
 Handle  Nest StackTop Function Argument File(Line) "Name"
00000001 0001 0003BF54 000100C2 00000000 XTEST.CPP(#13) "XTEST Hauptprogramm" 
+++ System information +++
D 0 = 00000002          2 Number of attached printers
D 1 = 00000002          2 Number of installed RS232 ports
D 2 = 00000001          1 Number of installed diskette drives
D 3 = 00000001          1 Coprocessor (0=absent, 1=installed)
D 4 = 00000001          1 PC submodel type byte
D 5 = 000000FC        252 PC model type byte
D 6 = 00000001          1 Primary display (0=mono, 1=other)
S11 = 00000014         20 Major version number * 10
S12 = 0000000B         11 Minor version number
S13 = 00030000     196608 Revision letter
S 1 = 00000104        260 Maximum length of a path name
S23 = 000000FF        255 Maximum length of a path component
S 5 = 00000003          3 Boot drive (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, ...)
S14 = 0002A55C     173404 System up time in milliseconds
S15 = 38F8CE38  955829816 Seconds since 1 Jan 1970 (lower 32)
S16 = 00000000          0 Seconds since 1 Jan 1970 (upper 32)
S 2 = 00000010         16 Maximum number of text sessions
S 3 = 00000010         16 Maximum number of PM sessions
S 4 = 00000201        513 Maximum number of DOS sessions
S 6 = 00000001          1 Priority variation (0=abs, 1=dyn)
S 7 = 00000003          3 Maximum wait in seconds
S 8 = 00000020         32 Minimum time slice in milliseconds
S 9 = 00000020         32 Maximum time slice in milliseconds
S22 = 00000136        310 Timer interval in tenths of a millisec
S10 = 00001000       4096 Memory page size in bytes
S17 = 03F9B000   66695168 Physical memory size
S18 = 00B17000   11628544 Resident memory size
S19 = 17187000  387477504 Total available memory
S20 = 100F0000  269418496 Bytes available for private allocation
S21 = 17F50000  401932288 Bytes available for shared allocation
S24 = 00000011         17 
S25 = 00000005          5 
S26 = 00000000          0  
+++ Processor +++
Processor ID flag 00202206, current machine status 001B;
CPUID highest 0001, signature 0544, features 008001BF;
Processor type #0, family #5, model #4, stepping #4;
Vendor "GenuineIntel" 
+++ Environment +++
Exception manager CXI3DBGO, version 3.00 04, build 1509;
Exception manager options 00000000, window 00000000, system 00000000;
Shared memory built-in at 14640010, size 000003FC;
Local memory at 14630800, size 00004800, used 00004740;
Environment variable "(null)" = "(null)";
Environment state FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
+++ Program exit messages +++
XTEST Version 1.01 
+++ Abnormal program termination requested by exception handler +++ 
[end] CXI3DBGO 3.00 04 - Exception Report

Version 2.10 72 (1014-001), erstellt am 15. April 2000
Textseite 344 von 855, Thema 8539 (CXI3DBGD)

  Struktur Themen A...Z Titel << >>
  Copyright © 2005 by TeraConnect Informationstechnologie GmbH Sprung zum Seitenanfang